Use of Drones/Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Policy

Responsible Office or Person: Director of Aviation Sciences

Issued: December 4, 2018

Related Law & Policy:
  • 《威尼斯游戏大厅》第333条
  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 14 CFR Part 107
  • 联邦航空管理局(FAA)执法指南疑似未经授权的无人机操作
  • Educational Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
  • Wisconsin Statute § 942.10


This policy applies to all members of the Carroll University community, including but not limited to employees, students, clubs, organizations, 供应商和任何其他操作无人机系统和无人驾驶飞行器(UAS)的个人, also known as drones, 作为他们工作的一部分或作为任何与大学相关的研究或活动的一部分. 本政策也适用于任何与大学无关的个人或实体,他们可以在威尼斯游戏大厅的财产上经营无人机系统. This includes recreational and non-recreational aircraft. 

Policy Statement

UAS may not be operated from, on, 未经航空科学处处长事先批准,不得飞越大学设施或财产. Carroll University is located within 5 miles of the Waukesha County Airport, and as such, operation of a drone or UAS is prohibited unless you have permission from the FAA. Operation of UAS shall only be permitted when prior approval has been granted, 并符合联邦航空管理局的规定和大学的政策. 任何在大学土地上操作无人机的人都有责任遵守联邦航空管理局(FAA)的规定, state and federal laws and university policies.

美国联邦航空局授权操作无人机并不构成大学的许可. 授权证书(COA)或弃权证书(COW)由FAA颁发给UAS运营商只能根据其颁发的条款并与大学批准一起使用.


Certificate of Authorization or Waiver (COA) or (COW): According to the FAA, COA是由空中交通组织颁发给公共运营商的特定UAS活动的授权. After a complete application is submitted, FAA conducts a comprehensive operational and technical review. If necessary, 作为批准的一部分,可能会施加规定或限制,以确保无人机能够与其他空域用户安全运行. In most cases, FAA将在提交完整申请后的60天内提供正式答复.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS): A UAS is the unmanned aircraft and all of the associated support equipment, control station, data links, telemetry, communications and navigation equipment, etc., necessary to operate the unmanned aircraft. A UAS may have a variety of names including drone, unmanned aircraft vehicle, unmanned aircraft, quadcopter, quadrotor, etc. FAA regulation applies to UAS regardless of size or weight.


计划操作无人驾驶飞机系统(UAS)的大学员工或学生,作为其大学就业的一部分或用于支持研究, 作为大学项目的一部分,在大学的土地或财产上进行教学或测试必须首先与航空科学主任联系. 然后,个人将需要获得美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)颁发的豁免或授权证书(COA)或必要的豁免(如果适用).

由大学雇员或学生作为任何大学相关活动或研究的一部分使用不属于业余爱好者(模型飞机)类别, unless the following conditions are met:

  • 教育机构的无人机操作员如果没有直接或间接的补偿,将被视为业余爱好者. Faculty members are generally considered compensated, except for the example below.
  • 学生在认可的教育机构进行模型飞机操作,以继续深造, 例如使用无人机作为飞行原理或电视和电影制作课程的一部分, will be classified as hobbyists.
  • 在认证机构教授航空相关课程的教师可以帮助学生在课程中操作模型飞机,如果学生保持对飞机的操作控制.
  • 上述例外之外的教师无人机操作被认为是商业用途,需要完成第333条豁免.

如果任何第三方或业余爱好者希望使用无人机或模型飞机在大学的土地或财产, the individual must receive approval by the Director of Aviation Sciences. Third parties planning to use a UAS must also provide proof of FAA approval. 第三方必须直接向FAA申请(FAA认证不需要爱好者-模型飞机操作员). However, 爱好者或模型飞机操作员仍然必须遵守FAA要求的所有飞行员和设备注册). In addition, 第三方或业余爱好者在大学财产上操作无人机,必须签订合同,使大学免受任何由此产生的索赔或对个人的伤害和对大学财产的损害.

为记录或传送可视图像而操作无人机(非业余或业余使用), operators must in addition to the above requirements, take all reasonable measures to avoid violations of areas normally considered private. 无人机系统不得用于监控或记录根据公认的社会规范对隐私有合理期望的区域. These areas include but are not limited to restrooms, locker rooms, individual residential rooms, changing or dressing rooms, campus daycare facilities, and health treatment rooms. Note: In Wisconsin, it is a misdemeanor for a private individual to use a drone to "photograph, record, 或者在一个对个人隐私有合理期望的地方观察另一个人." (Wis. Stat. § 942.10).

无人机系统不得用于监控或记录可能发现的敏感机构或个人信息, for example, on an individual's workspace, on a computer or other electronic displays.


操作人员应注意人员安全和财产损失的风险,并了解其系统的潜在故障模式. All built-in safety features shall be tested before flying.




Panoramic View of campus